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Medical physics: Light 'could detect Parkinson's'

"A light as bright as a million-watt bulb could help identify early signs of Parkinson's disease, British researchers have said."

Category: Medical Physics


The tropics on fire: scientist's grim vision of global warming

"Soaring greenhouse gas emissions, driven by a surge in coal use in countries such as China and India, are threatening temperature rises that will turn damp and humid forests into parched tinderboxes, said Dr Chris Field,...

Category: Climate Change


Peace in the pipeline

"Why water can be a path to peace rather than wars."

Category: Climate Change


Air bag jacket 'could save lives'

"Dozens of motorcyclists' lives could be saved every year if air bag jackets were made compulsory, accident and emergency doctors have said."

Category: Transport


Missile warning technology lofted

"France is keen to develop a technology that only the US and Russia possess at the moment. The aim is to try to detect and identify a ballistic missile launch at the earliest possible moment after firing. "

Category: Space, Weapons

Displaying results 1451 to 1455 out of 2977